Blog 2 - Healthcare System
The health system in a pandemic is inefficient. It's the long history, the wost day of my life, so i will make short. When the country was in the peak of the covid, the public hospital was not option to urgences. My grandfather had a rise of blood pressure, this his a disease. He was taken to the clinic private, regulated is blood pressure and he was taken to the house. Some days after, he was taken again to the clinic, this time he was hospitalized. A night they called my mom because, my grandfather was vey sick... would was taken to the public hospital or would was taken to the house... as a thing!!! We had not option. My grandfather, the best of my life, my favorite person passed away in THE PUBLIC HOSPITAL, as POSSIBLE COVID??????????? He was very sick for a rise of blood presure... no one in my house was infected... HE GOT INFECTED THERE!!! Some days ago, I was in tiktok, I saw a tiktok about a case similar to the my grandfather, in the comments, there were ...